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Woman With Hands Framing Her FaceFacial rejuvenation is becoming more advanced every day, particularly when it comes to non-surgical approaches. Non-surgical facial rejuvenation refreshes the face without the need for general anesthesia or extensive downtime. Injectable dermal fillers are an easy, non-invasive way to achieve a smoother, more youthful aesthetic, but fat transfer offers many more benefits. Patients can opt for fat transfer or synthetic dermal fillers depending on their needs and expectations.

What Fat and Fillers Do

Patient-harvested fat and synthetic dermal fillers provide some of the same facial rejuvenation benefits. For example, they both:

  • Replenish lost facial volume
  • Can be used for facial sculpting
  • Improve facial definition
  • Provide immediate results

Advantages of Dr. Calabria’s Non-surgical Facelift

Dr. Calabria offers the non-surgical facelift, which is similar to fat transfer but has the additional benefits of using stem cell-enriched fat. A few key advantages of this procedure are as follows:

      • No rejection: Because the stem cell-enriched fat used during transfer is harvested directly from the patient’s body, there is no risk of rejection or other adverse reactions that can occur with synthetics. Synthetic dermal fillers usually require allergy testing before the procedure.
      • Natural results: During fat transfer, the stem cells in the fat stimulate collagen production, which plumps and smooths the skin naturally. They also trigger neo-angiogenesis, which causes the skin to regenerate and repair itself naturally. Synthetics replenish naturally occurring substances in the body, but the supply eventually becomes depleted, requiring repeat treatment.
      • Long-lasting improvement: Unlike dermal fillers that require regular reinjection to maintain results, using fat-derived stem cells encourages the body to continue improving long after the initial injection treatment. This boost in cell regeneration produces enhancement that lasts.
      • Body contouring: Because fat cells are harvested from an area of the body with excess fat, patients get the added benefit of slimmer contours in the donor site. Patients enjoy the advantages mentioned above as well as the reduction of stubborn fat deposits.


While most fillers can plump aging skin and give patients a younger, more pleasing appearance, Dr. Calabria’s non-surgical facelift is the superior and most modern choice. Call our Beverly Hills office at 310.777.0069, our Rancho Mirage office at 760.836.0077, or our Milan, Italy office at +39.349.4662323 to schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon. Weigh out your options today and find out if you qualify for non-surgical facial rejuvenation.