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Breast augmentation is most commonly performed using implants, and, as breast augmentation is the most regularly performed cosmetic surgery in the country, that means that there are a lot of implants used each year. While breast augmentation with implants is a successful way to achieve the breast volume and shape you desire, it’s far from the only way. It can also, unfortunately, come with many potential complications. If you are currently experiencing difficulties with your breast implants, stem cell fat grafting can revise and improve the quality of your breast augmentation results.

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Potential Breast Implant Complications

Implant Rupture

Breast implants are durable, but they are not foolproof. Implants, whether they are filled with saline or silicone gel, can rupture. A rupture can be caused by a break or tear in the silicone shell of an implant, which results in leakage of the filler material into the chest and body.

Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture happens when a thick scar tissue capsule develops and begins to contract around one or both breast implants. This condition can result in both a distorted breast shape as well as significant physical pain for the patient. A stem cell breast augmentation does not involve the use of implants, so no scar tissue will form.

Implant Rippling

Implants, especially saline implants, are prone to visible rippling. This occurs when the edges of the implant and the ripples in the surface are visible through the skin, thus compromising the natural appearance of the breasts.

Breast Implant Illness

Breast implant illness is a rare and not-often-discussed potential risk associated with breast implants. While many women experience no postoperative complications after breast augmentation with implants, some women begin to feel very sick. Symptoms of breast implant illness include fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, digestive issues, infections, and pain around the chest and breasts.

Improper Placement

Although breast implants are placed in a carefully created breast pocket, it is still possible for the implants to shift. When this occurs, you may need to go back to your breast surgeon to not only adjust the positioning of the implant but also shrink and resize the breast pocket.

Limited Longevity

Breast implants are not designed to last forever. Eventually, a revision surgery will be necessary to replace them. On average, implants last anywhere from 10 to 15 years as long as there are no other complications. Stem cell breast augmentation has no limited life expectancy because the transferred fat cells permanently graft to the area.

Revise or Replace Your Implants With Stem Cell Fat Grafting

Dr. Calabria is one of the few surgeons to offer stem cell fat grafting as an alternative to or as a combination procedure with breast implants. Stem cell fat grafting is a multi-step procedure that involves first removing unwanted fat cells from the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks, and then separating the vital stem cells from that fat. A higher concentration of those stem cells is mixed into the fat, which is then injected into the breasts. Stem cell-enriched fat can either repair implant deformities or replace an implant altogether. Stem cell fat grafting is the most natural way to enhance the size and volume of the breasts without all of the implant-related complications.


To learn more about the benefits of stem cell fat grafting for your breast augmentation or breast augmentation revision, contact Dr. Calabria by calling his Beverly Hills office at (310) 777-0069, his Rancho Mirage office at (760) 836-0077, or his Milan, Italy office at 39.349.4662323 to set up a consultation.